速報APP / 攝影 / Color Space Converter

Color Space Converter





版本需求:Android 8.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:William F. Anderson P.O. Box 025331 SJO-98992 Miami, FL 33126-6007

Color Space Converter(圖1)-速報App

The Color Space Converter application simply converts the color space of a photo from one color space to another. The following color spaces are supported for the output color space:

1. Adobe RGB (1998)

2. DCI-P3 (SMPTE RP 431-2-2007)

3. Display P3 (IEC 61966-2.1:1999)

4. scRGB-nl (IEC 61966-2-2:2003)

Color Space Converter(圖2)-速報App

5. scRGB (61966-2-2:2003)

6. ProPhoto RGB (Google Skia)

7. sRGB (IEC 61966-2.1:1999)

The conversion process involves:

1. Selecting a photo

Color Space Converter(圖3)-速報App

2. Selecting an output color space

3. Tapping convert and wait for the converted image.

The converted image can be save as a .jpg file, or shared with another app.

Following are important notes:

1. The app maintains the original size of the input photo. The amount of time it takes to convert a photo depends on the size and number of unique colors in the photo.

Color Space Converter(圖4)-速報App

2. There is a problem with Pro Photo RGB files. The Google API only recognizes the tag name of "ROMM RGB ISO 22028-2:2013". It does not recognize file tagged as "ProPhoto RGB", which is also based on the "ROMM RGB ISO 22028-2:2013" color profile. Only the tag is different.

3. The Google API does not recognize PNG file encode as "Display P3".

Color Space Converter(圖5)-速報App